How Does Ayurveda Improve Mood?

This article challenges the conventional approach to weight loss, arguing that most diets fail because they overlook a crucial aspect: priming the body for success. According to the author, weight gain is a result of toxicity and inflammation, and by reducing these factors and improving the body's detoxification systems, natural fat loss and weight maintenance mechanisms can be activated. The article introduces The Prime Method, which focuses on detoxification, gut health, and brain chemistry balance as a foundation for behavioral changes. It suggests Ayurvedic herbal remedies like triphala, ashwagandha, brahmi, and guggul to support the body's transformation. By following this approach, the body gradually shifts toward healthier choices and a new equilibrium, leading to lasting weight loss.
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How Mantra Meditation Works


The Prime Method: Ancient Secrets for Brain-Gut Health & Weight Loss